Writers, Get Out.
I promise you, getting out and experiencing the world will make your body and your cute lil word-brain do the writing thing.

Editing Update: Breaking It Up
I’d never written a novel before, so my draft is structureless! But now that I’m editing, I’m having some ideas of how to add/create structure in a way that makes sense and is even fun.

Am I…Am I Smart?
So I’ve written a novel.
I typed the first official words of it on September 1, 2021, and I finished the first draft on May 27th, 2023. Then I took 3 months off from it, and it turns out that was PERFECT for me. It allowed me to breathe, to focus on other things both literary/creative and not, and generally let that excitement for the story to build back up.

What It Felt Like To Finish
I remember what it felt like to finish my novel. To type the last words, without having planned exactly what those words would be, but knowing they were it. Elation, pain, relief, pride…those are the biggest ones. And they all tried to come crashing out at the same time. They’re trying to right now, as I reach back and grasp at that moment.
But why such strong emotions, for something as silly and easy as writing? <snark ahead>